Posiflex HS-2500 All-in-One POS
Grade: A
O/S: Windows 10
Processor: Intel (R) Celeron (R) CPU J1900 1.9GHZ Dual Core
Ram: 2GB
Posiflex HS-2500 - Manufacturers information
The HS-2500 touchscreen point of sale terminal, pos system Series is the solution for the counter space problem. It takes the all-in-One concept to the extreme! The compact all-in-one design of HS-2500 Series frees more room for counter space, so that the store owner can display and promote more merchandise to maximise sales opportunities.
Fan free POS Terminal
- All-in-one design
- Small footprint
- Built in 80mm Printer
- Optional built in RFID Reader, MSR, Contact Card Reader, Fingerprint module
- Several Customer Display Options available
- Comes with Bracket to lock down to bench for better stability