Posiflex HS-2500 All-in-One POS

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Refurbished Grade A Windows 10 All-in-One POS with J1900 Processor, 2GB RAM and 120GB SSD


Posiflex HS-2500 All-in-One POS

Grade: A

O/S: Windows 10

Processor: Intel (R) Celeron (R) CPU J1900 1.9GHZ Dual Core

Ram: 2GB


See all refurb POS terminals

Posiflex HS-2500 - Manufacturers information

The HS-2500 touchscreen point of sale terminal, pos system Series is the solution for the counter space problem. It takes the all-in-One concept to the extreme! The compact all-in-one design of HS-2500 Series frees more room for counter space, so that the store owner can display and promote more merchandise to maximise sales opportunities.

Fan free POS Terminal

  • All-in-one design
  • Small footprint
  • Built in 80mm Printer
  • Optional built in RFID Reader, MSR, Contact Card Reader, Fingerprint module
  • Several Customer Display Options available
  • Comes with Bracket to lock down to bench for better stability

Ratio Park, Finepoint Way, Kidderminster, DY11 7FF

01299 488031


Mon - Fri / 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

We specialise in the refurbished EPOS market buying in large quantities and passing on the discounts to trade. We are authorised resellers of new EPOS systems offering the latest in technology and innovation within this sector.
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